
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to Protect Your Black Car from the Sun’s Damaging Effect

How to Protect Your Black Car from the Sun’s Damaging Effect Buildup of the sun’s UV energy in your black car paint and finish molecules causes the paint’s wear due to break down of molecular bonds. The sun also causes an almost twice fold increase in the vehicle’s interior temperature and this degrades everything from the dashboard, car seats, the engine, and even upholstery.  Heat buildup happens whether the sun is direct or it is cloudy, and it’s thus important to be aware of this and get prepared . How to protect the exterior The vehicle’s exterior surface is exposed to the harshest vagaries of the weather and it therefore needs more intense and regular care. Regular washing and drying The sun’s UV and other wavelengths cause fading and cracking of the car paint. Washing the vehicle frequently removes dust and dirt particles which scratch and dull your car finish. Regular waxing Waxing the black paint with the  best wax for black vehicles with